
Contact Center

Empower your organization and customers with Contactics
contact center services.
Frictionless onboarding, reduced costs, immediate results.

Focus on Customer Experience

Customer experience is our #1 priority, on all call volumes.
Our goal is for your customer to have the best in class service journey.

Customer Expectation Management

  • Keep the customers informed on their place in the QUEUE and ETA for Agent response.
  • Allow customers to request call back.

Prioritized Queues

  • Our Team is trained to prioritize calls based on wait time, customer levels and more.

We use Top Level Technologies

Wise Call routing

Defining criteria to be able to control high
volumes and to optimize our resources allocation

Easy integration

We strive to innovate when it comes to functionality. Our mission is to be the best, come and join the ride.

Analyzing On the Go

Continuous analysis to increase productivity in
order to make sure targets are met

Why Us?


About US

Contactics gives cutting edge, cost reducing Contact center omni-channel Solutions.
Founded in 2020, operational in Bulgaria and North Macedonia, Contactics is a one stop shop for contact services.
InBound, Outbound or both, Contactics is covering your needs in all aspects and with one goal, Increasing your customers

12 +
years of experience
10 K+
65 +